Горянка с
Село належало до Балигородського деканату Перемиської єпархії.
Gorjanka [Ru] Gorzanka [Polish]
Lisko District, present day SE Poland
Parish Data:
Church was «Saint Paraskevija» [1838] [still standing]
The wooden church was renovated in 1912. A stone bell tower by the church is dated 1744. The church was looted and vadalized after the Vistula Action. It remained closed until the 1970's when it was give to the Poles.
In 1785 the village lands comprised 8.56 sq km. There were 195 Greek Catholics 18 Roman Catholics and 10 Jews
1840 – 244 Greek Catholics
1859 – 240 Greek Catholics
1879 – 225 Greek Catholics
1899 – 278 Greek Catholics
1926 – 334 Greek Catholics
1936 – 372 Greek Catholics
Filial church located in RADEVA 9 km away
The village of VOLJA HORJANS'KA 3 km away was served by the priest
Джерело: carpatho-rusyn.org