Волковия с
Село належало до Балигородського деканату Перемиської єпархії.
Vovkovja [Ru] Wolokoyja [Polish]
Lisko District, present day SE Poland
Parish Data:
The church was «Saints Peter and Paul» [1833] [destroyed]
Church was erected in 1833 and renovated in 1906 and replaced a more ancient one that was mentioned in 1828
In 1785 the village lands comprised 9.22 sq km There were 282 Greek Catholics 50 Roman Catholics and 5 Jews
1840 – 253 Greek Catholics
1859 – 232 Greek Catholics
1879 – 250 Greek Catholics
1899 – 307 Greek Catholics
1926 – 342 Greek Catholics
1936 – 373 Greek Catholics
The village was not incorporated into the Lemko Apostolic Administration in 1934
In 1938 there were 395 Roman Catholics and 42 Jews
Filial church located in ZAVIZ
Viliages served by the priest RYBNE (2 km), HAKIV and PIDLISHCHNY
Джерело: carpatho-rusyn.org