Початкова сторінка

Прадідівська слава

Українські пам’ятки

Ні просьби, ні грозьби, ні тортури, ані смерть
не приневолять тебе виявити тайни

Богдан Хмельницький


Межибрід с

Село належало до Саноцького деканату Перемиської єпархії.

Mezhybrid [Ru] Miedzybrodzie / Miendzybrodz [Polish]

Sanok District, present day SE Poland

Lemko Surnames cited by Krasovs'kyj from 1787 Austrian Cadastral Records

Bidnik / Biennik / Bidnyk (2 families)

Waycowicz / Vajtsovych (5 families)

Wancienko / VAntsenko (2 families)

Woytko / Vojtko

Gierczak / Gerchak (2 families)

Hryszko / Hryshko

Iwanik / Ivanyk (4 families)

Lakos (5 families)

Lesieyko / Lesejko (2 families)

Lubenicz / Ljubenych

Moskal / Moskal' (2 families)

Nuncio / Nunts'o

Pawlak / Pavljak (2 families)

Popowicz / Popowyc / Popovych (2 families)

Pocztarz / Pochtar

Romanik / Romanyk

Romanski / Romans'kyj

Tyna (2 families)

Cap / Tsap (4 families)

Czesak / Chesak

Czufin / Chufyn (2 families)

Parish Data: [from Blazejowskyj and Iwanusiw]

The church was «Descent of the Holy Spirit / Most Holy Trinity» [1901] [still standing]

The masonry church of Most Holy Trinity replaced the older wooden church – Descent of the Holy Spirit that had been renovated in 1839. This wooden church burned in 1866 and a new wooden church was erected in which were kept the gospel books and icons from the old church in LISHNJA.

The first wooden church was erected in 1784 by o. Ivan Vajtsovych. In early times Mezhybrid was the main parish and LISHNJA was its filial church. In 1796 the villages of Mezhybrid and TREPCHA, which were located on opposite side of the River San were joined. Lishnja which at that time had only 10 or 20 Greek Catholics was transferred to the parish of OL'KHIVCI and the church was closed. Mezhybrid was still an independent chapel but in fact was often without a priest – both villages were taken care of by the priest in Trepcha.

The river proved to be an obstacle so in 1843 the pastor of Trepcha was given an assistant who lived in Mezhybrid as administrator. In 1845 Mezhybrid was made an independent assistanship, but the income was not sufficient to support a priest and they were frequently changed. In 1878 the priest's house burned and a place in Sanok had to be rented.

In 1785 the village lands comprised 7.01 sq km. There were 239 Greek Catholics 0 Roman Catholics and 8 Jews

1840 – 326 Greek Catholics

1859 – 174 Greek Catholics

1879 – 329 Greek Catholics

1899 – 320 Greek Catholics

1926 – 385 Greek Catholics

1936 – 411 Greek Catholics

In 1936 there were 4 Roman Catholics, 0 Jews

The village was incorporated in to the Lemko Apostolic Administration in 1934

Джерело: carpatho-rusyn.org