Новосільці с
Село належало до Буківського деканату Перемиської єпархії.
Novosilky-Gnjevosh [Ru] Nowosiolki Gniewosz [Polish]
Sanok District, present day SE Poland
Lemko Surnames cited by Krasovs'kyj from 1787 Austrian Cadastral Records
Boniak / Bodnjak (2 families)
Wasurczak / Vasurchak
Honczaryk / Ganczaryk / Honcharyk
Kaczmaryk / Kachmaryk (3 families)
Petryszyn / Petryshyn
Polehonki / Polehoikij / Polehon'kyj (2 families)
Prystasz / Przystasz / Prsysztasz / Prystash
Ruzyla / Ruzylo / Ruzhyla (3 families)
Sydor / Sidor / Sydor (5 families)
Sliwiak / Slyv'jak
Szalenik / Shalenyk (2 families)
Parish Data: [from Blazejowskyj and Iwanusiw]
Church was «Patronage of the Blessed Virgin Mary» [1894] [destroyed]
The masonry church was erected on the same site as the older wooden church that was built in 1741 and was dismantled. The name «Gnjevosh», derived from the family that ownde the land [1828-1836] was not officiall used until 1885
In 1785 the village lands comprised 10.95 sq km. There were 623 Greek Catholics 75 Roman Catholics and 15 Jews
1840 – 693 Greek Catholics
1859 – 680 Greek Catholics
1879 – 630 Greek Catholics
1899 – 857 Greek Catholics
1926 – 967 Greek Catholics
1936 – 908 Greek Catholics [100 in NA]
The village was incorporated in to the Lemko Apostolic Administration in 1934
In 1936 there were 660 Roman Catholics and 58 Jews
Villages served by the priest were: BAZHANIVKA 5 km, DOVHE 2 km, JACHMIR 6 km, POSADA JACHMIRSKA 6.5 km, POSADA ZARSHYNSKA 5 km, TURJEPOLJE, and ZARSHYN 4 km
Джерело: carpatho-rusyn.org