Полонна с
Село належало до Буківського деканату Перемиської єпархії.
Płonna – Wieś na Pogórzu Bukowskim wymieniana w 1433 r. Ruiny obronnego dworu z XVI-XVII w.
Джерело: mlodek.republika.pl
Polonna [Ru] Plonna [Polish]
Sanok District, present day SE Poland
Lemko Surnames cited by Krasovs'kyj from 1787 Austrian Cadastral Records
Bazar (2 families)
Basik / Bassyk / Basyk
Warawasz / Varavash
Warchol / Warhol / Warchil / Varkhol (4 families)
Wasienko / Wasenko / Vasenko
Wojciak / Woyciak / Vojtsjak
Worotylo / Vorotylo
Halas / Chalas / Galas / Halas
Haluszczak / Halusczak / Haluszak / Halushchak
Harbusz / Charbusz / Harbus / Harbush (2 families)
Holik / Golik / Holyk (3 families)
Hrywa / Hryva
Hryc / Hryts (2 families)
Dzubik / Dzubyk (2 families)
Dziama / Dzama / Dzjama
Dydzyk / Dydzyk
Dobosz / Dobosh
Klim / Klym
Kluczka / Kluchka (2 families)
Kogut / Kochut / Kogut (3 families)
Koruc / Koruts
Kocur / Kotsur
Krupa (2 families)
Kriak / Krak / Krzak / Krjak
Kuziemko / Kuzemko
Kulik / Kulig / Kulyk (2 families)
Kurenko / Korenko / Kurenko
Kuten / Kuten'
Lawriw / Lavriv (2 families)
Mielnik / Mel'nyk
Mitrdak (2 families)
Michalcio / Mykhal'ts'o (3 families)
Misio / Mis'o (3 families)
Ostasz / Ostash (2 families)
Pawliszyn / Pavlyshyn
Popowicz / Popowyc / Popovych (2 families)
Proc / Prots'
Pryialko / Prjalko
Rydosz / Rydozh / Rydosh (2 families)
Ryzhko / Ryszko / Ryzhko
Sawka / Sauka / Savka
Siwy / Syvyj
Slubko / Slupko / Slubko
Starenki / Staren'kyj (2 families)
Staroszyn / Staroshyn (2 families)
Stec / Stets'
Suchyna / Sukhyna (2 families)
Taborowski / Taborovs'kyj
Fal / Fal'
Fedorko / Fedurko / Fedorko
Chyr / Chir / Hyr / Khyr (2 families)
Chlibik / Khlibyk
Choma / Homa / Khoma
Chudy / Khudyj
Cap / Tsap
Czerepkanik / Cherepkanyk
Czerniecki / Chernets'kyj
Czarny / Chornyj
Szeremeta / Sheremeta (4 families)
Szyika / Shyjka
Szczerba / Shcherba
Jurynko (2 families)
Parish Data: [from Blazejowskyj and Iwanusiw]
Church was «Patronage of the Blessed Virgin Mary» [1790] [destroyed]
The masonry church was renovated in 1927. The village was burned by the Poles on March 28, 1946 and all villagers were deported. Thier plots were joined to form a collective farm and the church was turned into a barn.
The earliest mention of the village is in the year 1400. During the Tartar invasion the peope hid in the church, but were burned alive inside along with the priest by the Tartars. A chapel was built at the burned out site in which services were held until 1790.
In 1785 the village lands comprised 18.93 sq km. There were 700 Greek Catholics 10 Roman Catholics and 0 Jews
1840 – 869 Greek Catholics
1859 – 810 Greek Catholics
1879 – 804 Greek Catholics
1899 – 906 Greek Catholics
1926 – 1063 Greek Catholics
1936 – 1170 Greek Catholics
In 1936 there were 35 Roman Catholics and 24 Jews in the area
The village was incorporated in to the Lemko Apostolic Administration in 1934
Filial churches were located in VYSOCHANY 4.5 km and KOZHUSHNE 4 km
Джерело: carpatho-rusyn.org