Нижня Воля с
Село належало до Риманівського деканату Перемиської єпархії.
Wola Niżna – wieś w Polsce położona w województwie podkarpackim, w powiecie krośnieńskim, w gminie Jaśliska.
Vola Nyznja [Ru]
Sanok District, present day SE Poland
Lemko Surnames cited by Krasovs'kyj from 1787 Austrian Cadastral Records
Brenkacz / Brekacz / Brenkach (2 families)
Wowczak / Wolczak / Vovchak(4 families)
Wodyla / Wodywa / Vodyla
Wojcik / Woycik / Vojtsyk (2 families)
Wrebach / Vrembakh
Hawran / Gawran / Gavran / Havran (2 families)
Hocko / Gocko / Chocko / Hotsko
Hocio / Chocio / Hots'o
Goldycz / Goldych
Danilowicz / Danielowicz / Danylovych
Zubiak / Zub'jak (3 families)
Kambrat (3 families)
Kostyszyn / Kostyshyn (2 families)
Lewczyk / Levchyk (4 families)
Macko / Matsko
Peleszczak / Peleshchak (4 families)
Procio / Prots'o (2 families)
Ruszyla / Ruzylo / Ruzhyla
Rusyn / Rusin
Sawka / Sauka / Savka
Sachajda / Ssahajda (4 families)
Smetana / Smietana (5 families)
Solenczak / Solinczak / Solynchak
Fuczyla (4 families)
Szewczyk / Szewczik / Shevchyk
Parish Data: [from Blazejowskyj and Iwanusiw]
The church was «Saint Nicholas» [1812] [still standing]
The masonry church was renovated in 1904.
The village is first mentioned in 1543 and there may have been a parish existing at that time
In 1785 the village lands comprised 14.31 sq km There were 414 Greek Catholics 0 Roman Catholics and 5 Jews
1840 – 656 Greek Catholics
1859 – 642 Greek Catholics
1879 – 695 Greek Catholics
1899 – 630 Greek Catholics
1926 – 792 Greek Catholics
1936 – 802 Greek Catholics
The village was incorporated into the Lemko Apostolic Administration in 1934
In 1936 there were 4 Roman Catholics and 1 Jew
A filial chuirch was located in the village VOLJA VYZHNA (3.5 km)
Джерело: carpatho-rusyn.org