Початкова сторінка

Прадідівська слава

Українські пам’ятки

Пам’ятай про великі дні наших Визвольних змагань

Богдан Хмельницький


Белхівка с

Село належало до Буківського деканату Перемиської єпархії.

BOCHIVKA [Ru] BORGOWKA [Polish] aka Belkhivka

Sanok District, present day SE Poland

Lemko Surnames found in 1787 Austrian Cadastral Records

Bandurczak / Bandurchak


Binczur / Binciur / Binchur

Winiar / Winiarz / Wynyarz / Vynjar (6 families)

Harasym / Charasym / Harasim

Hrywniak / Hryvnjak

Makara (2 families)

Neczysty / Nieczisty / Nechystyj

Panko / Pan'ko (2 families)

Parish Data:

Church was «Synaxis of the Blessed Virgin Mary erected in 1901 [now destroyed]

The parish was a filial parish to the one located in VOLYCJA 6 km away. The masonry church 9now destroyed0 was built in 1901 and was the first church in the village. Prior to becoming a filial parish of Volycja – the village was served by the church in MOROKHIV

In 1785 the village lands comprised 5.71 sq.km. There were 128 Greek Catholics 30 Roman Catholics and 5 Jews

1840 – 180 Greek Catholics

1859 – 470 Greek Catholics (census combined with Ratnavycja)

1879 – 430 Greek Catholics (census combined with Ratnavycja)

1899 – 440 Greek Catholics (census combined with Ratnavycja)

1926 – 220 Greek Catholics

1936 – 276 Greek Catholics

The village was incorporated into the Lemko Apostolic Administration in 1934

Джерело: carpatho-rusyn.org