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Українські пам’ятки

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Богдан Хмельницький


Залуж с

Zaluzh [Ru] Zaluz [Polish] aka Zaluzh-Vijske

Sanok District, present day SE Poland

Lemko Surnames found in 1787 Austrian Cadastral Records

Andruszko / Jendruszko / Andrushko (2 families)

Bycio / Byts'o (2 families)

Borys (3 families)

Horniak / Gorniak / Hurniak / Hornjak

Hrabik / Hrabyk (2 families)

Krupa (3 families)

Kuczawa / Kuchava

Rzeplinski / Replyns'kyj

Stanik / Stanyk

Terek / Teryk

Fecko / Fetsko

Parish Data:

Church was «Saints Kosmos and Damian» [1804] [still standing].

The masonry church was renovated in 1914 and agin in 1925. According to local tradition the original wooden church was erected in 1600 and the church in nearby VIJSKE in 1629. In Vijske there was a wooden church by the same name but was no longer mentioned after 1938

The village was a filial parish to STOROZHI VELYKI 3 km away

In 1785 the village lands comprised 10.55 sq km. There were 241 Greek Catholics 30 Roman Catholics and 9 Jews (Zaluzh)

In 1785 the village lands comprised 12.44 sq km. There were 440 Greek Catholics 16 Roman Catholics and 0 Jews (Vijske)

1840 – 1437 Greek Catholics

1859 – 1332 Greek Catholics

1879 – 1430 Greek Catholics

1899 – 1525 Greek Catholics

1926 – 2200 Greek Catholics

1936 – 2126 Greek Catholics

The village was incorporated in to the Lemko Apostolic Administration in 1934

In 1936 there were 160 Roman Catholics and 34 Jews

The village DOLYNY was served by the priest

Джерело: carpatho-rusyn.org