Волиця с
Село належало до Буківського деканату Перемиської єпархії.
Volycja [Ru] Wolica [Polish]
Sanok District, present day SE Poland
Lemko Surnames found in 1787 Austrian Cadastral Records
Bonczak / Bonchak (3 families)
Bryla / Brywa (3 families)
Hrynko / Grynko / Hryn'ko
Kowalczyk / Koval'chyk (4 families)
Kot (4 families)
Lyczaczko / Liczaczko / Lychachko
Luczka / Luczko / Luchka
Macyk / Macik / Matsyk
Peleyko / Pelejko
Piekny / Pehknyj
Piecuch / Petsykh
Podolak / Podoljak
Semanczyk / Semanczak / Semanchyk
Semeneyko / Semenejko
Parish Data:
Church was Saints Peter and Paul [1826] [still standing]
The church was renovated in 1907 and 1911. The first church was built in 1572 in the higher part of the village but was moved to the center. It was used until 1820 when the Polish government forced the owner to build a new church
In 1785 the village lands comprised 8.13 sq km There were 148 Greek Catholics 36 Roman Catholics and 16 Jews
1840 – 221 Greek Catholics
1859 – 227 Greek Catholics
1879 – 580 Greek Catholics
1899 – 370 Greek Catholics
1926 – 417 Greek Catholics
1936 – 31 Greek Catholics
The village was incorporated into the Lemko Apostolic Administration in 1934
In 1936 there were 2352 Roman Catholics in the area (BUKIVSKO) and 710 Jews
Filial Churches located in BELKHIVJA (6 km), RATNAVYCJA (6 km)
Villages served by the priest were BUKIVSKO (4 km) and ZBOJISKA (3.5 km)
Джерело: carpatho-rusyn.org